Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Core Tenets Of Social Defense Theory Essay - 1156 Words

Abstract Despite its roots in evolutionary theory, attachment theory has long split itself into two factions: adaptive and maladaptive. For years, insecure attachment has been implicated as one of the root causes for a number of psychological concerns (Dozier, Stovall-McClough, Albus, 2008). The development of social defense theory, however, provides an entirely new interpretation of attachment – that all attachment dispositions (secure, anxious, and avoidant) have access to different cognitive schemas that provide advantages in dealing with a threatening situation (Ein-Dor, 2015). Further, social defense theory suggests that groups made up of all three dispositions are ultimately more effective than more homogenous groups. This paper seeks to better understand the cognitive accessibility of these cognitive schemas (sentinel, rapid fight-flight, and collaborative) and their associationed with the theorized attachment disposition. If the hypotheses are accurate, these findings will provide empirical support to better generalize and validate the core tenets of social defense theory. Introduction John Bowlby famously said â€Å"there is such a thing as a bad mother† (Mitchell Black, 1996, p.114). He made this argument amid the beginnings of the development of object relations theory, a second wave of psychoanalytic thought which understood drive, not as pleasure-seeking, but as connection-seeking. This shift in thought suggested that human beings are biologically wiredShow MoreRelatedThe Intellectual Tradition Of Political Economy1692 Words   |  7 Pagesliberalism focuses on government as a means to the market, while modern liberalism posits government as the end to a blissful economy. Similarly, classical and modern liberalism places different emphasis on the concepts of freedom and liberty as basic tenets of political economy. 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